Curriculum & Teaching Strategy

Curriculum & Teaching Strategy


The Path of the Naturalist
Knowledge of place. This aspect of study empowers students to intimately learn about the ecology of their bio-region, developing a rich understanding of flora and fauna through identification and scientific classification. Our focus is mainly upon the natural history of North America.


Homesteading Skills

Strategies for living sustainably; off-the-grid living, natural building, responsible water use, humane care of domestic animals, fermentation and preservation, mushroom cultivation, perennial gardening, and food forestry, just to name a few!


The Science of Tracking

Unraveling the mysteries of tracks and sign left behind by wildlife. This part of the curriculum is designed to give students a holistic grounding in the art and science of animal tracking. Emphasis is placed on the development of accurate track and sign identification and interpretation, as well as applications for tracking in biological research.



Gathering and preparing wild plants to use as food, medicine and tools. This aspect of the curriculum is a hands-on study of the diverse use of plants and trees. Students learn field identification, edible and medicinal preparations, and the how-to’s of plant technology. This aspect also covers basic principles of forest stewardship and habitat restoration.


Nature Connection Mentoring

Understanding of our powerful educational model and mentoring techniques. This part of the curriculum teaches students the principles of our nature-based approach to education, mentoring and community development. Students come away with the knowledge and experience necessary to work as effective instructors, leaders and mentors for both youth and adults.



Creating the container for harmonious community living. This includes both the physical provisions, as well as the invisible cultural structures. Providing a better life for one’s people: whether that be at the family, community, or societal level. Primitive gardening and horticulture, long term shelter, village design, tending the wild, caretaking the edges, sustainable living patterns, advanced primitive skills and technologies.


Wilderness Survival

Technologies of the primitive survivalist. This component of the curriculum engages students in the practice of indigenous wilderness living skills, focused on the key elements needed to survive in the outdoors, unaided by modern tools. Students learn to build shelters from natural materials, locate and purify wild water, create fire-by-friction, and many other essential skills.


Wilderness Awareness
Lucid awareness within one’s environment. Students practice techniques that build greater sensory acuity, including bird language and the ability to move with quiet grace within the forest. This element is not something to be explained, only experienced.


of awareness.

The Human Nature School’s dedication to fostering connection with nature, community and self, reveals that which we are truly facilitating through the practices of deep nature connection: The realization of each student’s individual Soul Path.  This work naturally guides people towards a greater expression of their true purpose, lived in tangible ways through creative leadership and joyful service within the world.

When the following inherent qualities arise within our students, it indicates to us that we are succeeding in our efforts. These are based on our understanding of the information Gilbert Walking Bull gave to us about the Lakota people’s Seven Sacred Attributes.


Common Sense

Good judgment, based in experience. An ability to respond appropriately to any situation. The individual becomes a reliable source of safety for the community.


Aliveness and Agility

Healthy, awakened bodies channeling vital energy into meaningful activity and connection. The individual is experiencing heightened reflexes and overall physical ability.


Inquisitive Focus

Bright curiosity and an inclination to gather information. The individual is using reason and intuition to create theories, and to test them out; discerning and tracking natural patterns; listening deeply; expressing an inspired desire to pursue learning.


Caring and Tending

Conscious awareness of the physical/mental/emotional well-being of others. The individual is experiencing true empathy and acting upon their sense of what is needed to bring balance and harmony.


Service to Community

Desire to play a meaningful role in service to community. The individual realizes their own unique gifts and abilities, as well as how to utilize them for the betterment of all; seeking out what one can do to be truly helpful in any given situation.


Radiant Happiness

Exuding the Joy of Life from within. This is one of the most essential indicators for us as mentors and teachers. When the energy of unconditional love can be sourced from within, a person is truly free. Their cup “runneth over.” The individual can be seen to nearly shine. All people have this Light within them.



Creatively problem solving and adapting to any given situation using whatever resources are available– without complaining or wishing for things to be different. The individual has cultivated a storehouse of relevant skill and technical knowledge; internal strength and resilience; ability to protect the whole community; capacity to endure through hard times.


Quiet Mind
Comfort being calm and still– the ability to act and observe from a deep inner peace. The individual readily enjoys periods of time in silent observation and quiet presence: whether out alone in nature, or in the company of other people.